About us
Eagna Training Services provides learning platforms which allow businesses to deliver readily accessible online training courses to their staff. Businesses create cost containment through centralised training management & reduced training overheads. Our vision is to provide online learning & advanced training solutions to businesses globally, using modern media innovation via readily accessible delivery platforms. Staff can be trained on their company’s bespoke ‘Regulatory Management System’ (RMS), incorporating their own branding and site url.
Rather than classroom led training, these courses are available for use on tablet, phone, or laptop. Training managers can easily assign courses and training schedules to individuals or teams. This training solution also offers simplified central training management administration.
With 100’s of courses already available, our partners at Olive Media also provide you with the ability to create bespoke training programs incorporating gamification, virtual reality and interactive learning solutions.
Eagna is at the leading edge of modern learning solutions, by utilising 21st century technology & innovation, we will ensure you’re able to meet all your staff training needs.
Here at Eagna our executive team of directors have over 70 years collective knowledge and experience providing training in a wide range of learning & development environments.
Our professional expertise extends to IT, IoT, Cyber security, security, Counter terrorism, Crime prevention, health & safety, compliance & assurance management as well as risk management.
We have an established reputation for service delivery excellence within a broad set of industry disciplines including facilities management, military, emergency services, trade unions, public and private sector enterprise organisations.
The Eagna team is here to provide business training solutions for all customers utilising advanced learning solutions supported by our international partner, Olive Media.
Our people
David Hughes

David Hughes is an Executive Director and a co-founder of Eagna. He is a former security and health & safety professional who has worked on high-risk crises management missions & projects internationally.
More recently David completed a 4-year appointment as the National Security / Fire, Health & Safety Advisor on a UK Central Government & Defence (CG&D) contract. He also provided security management support & advice during the London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games.
David’s professional experience extends to training management, counter terrorism awareness training, crisis & incident management, health & safety training, in addition to compliance and assurance management.
He is a graduate of Northumbria University & studied with the Faculty of Business & Law, where he gained a First-Class Honours degree in Leadership & Management. David is also a ‘Chartered’ Manager & member of the CMI, as well as being a member of the Security Institute. He has over 25 years’ experience in training management & his subject matter knowledge & expertise makes him a versatile executive at Eagna.
Barry Carey

Barry Carey is a Security Professional with over twenty five years operational experience in a number of areas including Consultancy, CIT, Manned Guarding, Special Events, Close Protection, Investigations and Training Services. Barry has a Special Forces Anti-Terrorist background and has held senior management appointments operating businesses in Europe, Australia and Africa. In the Oil and Gas Sector he was the Deputy Head of Security on one of the largest and most contentious off shore and terminal construction projects in Europe. He has numerous courses relating to Oil and Gas including BOISET and HUET. He was also responsible in EA for the Hospitality Sector and is consultant to some of the biggest top class hotels in Kenya and has established advanced programs to counter the international and domestic threats. His experience is unrivalled.
In a Consultancy and CP position Barry worked for one of the World’s largest IT Company’s in its European operations with responsibilities for Senior Executives and VIP Clients. He has also been responsible for the personal protection of a European Head of State. Barry also has been involved in a senior management role in such prestigious events such as the Budweiser Irish Derby, Cartier Million and the World Special Olympics 2003.In 2010 he was appointed as the National Security officer for the Football Kenya Federation, with responsibility for security and safety at all international matches including the recent World Cup qualifiers.
Barry is a member of the Security Institute of Ireland for over twenty years and served on the Board of Directors on two separate occasions. He is a registered Security Industry Trainer, holds a Diploma in Training and Education from NUI Galway, is on the National Trainers Register with FAS and is a qualified City and Guilds of London Trainer.
Joe Maloney

Joe Maloney has had a career of 49 years associated with the Security Industry in Ireland. He joined Securicor Ireland on 1st August 1969 and held positions as Branch Manager and Area Security Officer responsible for security standards within the Republic of Ireland.
In 1972 he became a member of The Industrial Police and Security Association (UK) which later changed its name to the International Professional Security Association and was one of the founding fathers of The Irish Region of that association. In 1974 he was on the organising committee of the very first Commercial Security Course to be held in Ireland and was one of the main speakers on this course and subsequence courses up to 1980. He was also a member of a sub Committee who prepared a submission for the licensing of the Security Industry to the Minister Justice in 1973 which was eventually brought into law 32 years later.